And I don’t mean that lightly or to be cliche. For a lot of us, there has been a tremendous amount of loss. Loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, loss of relationships, loss of connection to the world around us—this year has been a wedge that has been fraught with separation.
When you’re sailing, tacking and jibing are two terms that are tremendously important for navigating the water when the wind is not exactly on our side. Tacking is maneuvering uphill, and jibing is maneuvering downhill. Both of these movements through the water and with the wind require an understanding that, to get to where we want to be, we’ll have to concede some steps in between to make it happen. We zig and zag along the ocean top to make our way to the final destination--we use the wedge to our advantage to move forward. This year has been all of that for a large number of us.
While you’ve been zigging and while you’ve been zagging, you’ve not been alone in your efforts to get to that final place. Whether you’ve been searching for a new job, place to live, spouse, or healing from that trauma that steers your rudder more than you care to admit—you are not alone in your struggles and your successes.
Coracle Coffee is born out of that struggle: to Sail East until the ship fails, the coracle fails; until my arms and legs have no more life in them, or until I make it to that land I am destined for. So while you seek that Utter East you were destined for in this coming year, while you navigate uncharted waters or the turbulence that has caused you struggle all along—I hope that in some times of need, we can be there for whatever your East is—for your adventures.
“Where sky and water meet,
Where the waves grow sweet,
Doubt not, Reepicheep,
To find all you seek, There is the utter East”
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